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Category: Sex life

7 Jun

Having Sex in Water: Why It Rocks and How to Get the Most Out of It

Posted at Jun 7, 2023 08:30 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

If you love having sex in water (or even just the idea of it), you’re in excellent company. Water sex is exciting, it’s sexy, and it’s an approachable way to change up your sex life and keep things from getting stale. And taking to the water can be a great way to make sex more comfortable for those with mobility issues, too.
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4 Apr

What Is Sexual Aftercare and Why Should You Practice It?

Posted at Apr 4, 2023 10:30 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

You probably spend a fair amount of time preparing to have sex when you think an opportunity might be coming up.But when was the last time you thought much about what happens after the sex? The thing is, most people are usually so concerned with trying to have sex in the first place, they don’t even consider what (if anything) should happen next – sexual aftercare.

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19 Oct

6 Turn-Offs Men Really Hate During Sex

Posted at Oct 19, 2022 11:30 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

By now, just about everyone knows what turns most men on, as it’s nothing if not a hot topic. But pleasing a male partner is about more than developing a working understanding of what they like. It’s just as important to know what they don’t like, as well. And some turn-offs are super obvious and [...]
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