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When Is It Time to Replace Your Vibrator?

When Is It Time to Replace Your Vibrator?

Posted at Jun 30, 2021 09:00 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

Even the best things in life eventually come to an end, and sadly, that includes even your blissful relationship with your vibrator. Even if the best quality, most impeccably cared for vibrators eventually wear out and need replacement.

But how long do vibrators last, anyway, and how can you tell when it’s truly time to throw in the towel and find a replacement? Here’s a closer look at how you can be sure it’s really time to say goodbye to a favorite toy, as well as how to take the best possible care of a new one.

How Long Do Vibrators Last?

No hard and fast rule dictates you must replace your vibrator after a certain number of years. However, you can get a pretty good idea of how long you can expect your toy to last based on several factors.

  • What is it made of? Non-porous materials like stainless steel, glass, or medical-grade silicone will, on average, last much longer than softer, jelly-type materials.
  • How well-cared for is it? Vibrators that are treated with care, cleaned after every use, and stored correctly will last much longer than those that aren’t
  • Is it a bargain vibrator or a luxury item? Generally speaking, luxury toys from big brand names are going to be better made than inexpensive alternatives.

Under an ideal set of circumstances, a good vibrator can last for years and years. You’ll know it’s time to start thinking about a replacement when it starts showing signs of wear and tear.

What Are the Signs of an Aging Vibrator?

Vibrators have a lot in common with other types of electronics in that they start getting touchier as they age. They also begin to show their age in many different ways. If you notice signs like the following, it might be time to retire your toy.

It’s starting to look worn out.

Visible wear-and-tear is one of the most obvious signs that your vibrator isn’t what it used to be anymore. Discoloration, warping, pockmarks, cracks, frayed wires, and other similar problems mean your vibrator is losing its integrity and – quite possibly – isn’t safe to use anymore. Damaged electrical components can hurt you, and cracks or pocks can easily harbor bacteria, viruses, and microbes, even after a good cleaning. These are clear signs that you need to replace your vibrator.

The motor’s getting touchy.

If you could swear your vibrator’s motor doesn’t pack quite the same punch it used to, it’s probably not your imagination. Motors are filled with moving parts and delicate components. They wear out over time, so an aging vibrator really won’t be as robust as a brand new one. In fact, a waning motor is one of the most apparent signs of a toy on its way out and need replacing.

You’re just not as into it as you used to be.

Integrity problems and functional issues aren’t the only signs it’s time to go shopping for a sexy new toy. It’s possible your tastes may have changed over the years and that you’re ready to try something new and exciting. Your intimate life is too important to settle for a vibrator that’s gotten boring or feels too cheap to meet your needs anymore. Wanting to try something different is as good a reason as any to seek out an upgrade.

Extending the Lifespan of a Favorite Toy

Whether your next vibrator purchase will be your second replacement or your twentieth, you naturally want it to be as enjoyable as your previous toy and for as long as possible. Here are some pointers for making sure it’s a long, beautiful relationship.

Choose your toy wisely.

Now that you’re no longer in the market for your very first toy, you have the benefit of really knowing what you need this time around. Look for a toy that not only satisfies the needs you already have but leaves room to explore some new possibilities, as well. A good vibrator is a vibrator you can grow with. Make sure that when you replace your vibrator it’s well-designed, made of durable materials, and built to go the distance in every way to ensure a long life.

Clean it religiously.

The more diligent you are about your toy cleaning routine, the longer you can expect your new vibe to be with you. Clean your toy thoroughly after every use. Using plain soap and water is an excellent method, but a good spray-on/wipe-off toy cleaner is a great alternative to keep on hand when a full-on wash session isn’t practical.

Store it wisely.

Toys that are tossed in the back of a drawer or jammed underneath the mattress when not in use aren’t going to last very long. Instead, store each of your toys in its own cloth bag so that they don’t touch and wind up damaging one another. That way you won’t have to replace your vibrator right away.

The better you take care of your toys, the better you can expect your toys to take care of you. Get started today!