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Category: Communication

29 Sep

6 Things Exceptional Lovers Do Differently

Posted at Sep 29, 2023 12:58 pm By Castle Megastore / Category:

If youā€™re like most people, youā€™ve had a few different lovers over the course of your lifetime. Most were probably fine in bed. But every once in a while, you likely found yourself between the sheets with someone who truly had the magic touch when it comes to sex ā€“ people you probably still think back on with awe.
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16 May

Why Every Couple Needs a Yes/No/Maybe List

Posted at May 16, 2023 11:28 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

Although there are exceptions out there, most couples donā€™t talk about sex nearly often enough or openly enough.Ā Communication is the key to sex and relationships that are healthy and mutually satisfying on every level, so itā€™s worth learning to do well and regularly.Ā Yes/no/maybe lists can be great tools for getting the ball rolling in the right direction and becoming more comfortable with making sexual discussion an ongoing part of your lives together.

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1 Jun

5 Tips for Getting a Shy Partner Talking About Sex

Posted at Jun 1, 2022 09:00 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

There are many reasons you might want to convince a partner whoā€™s shy, reserved, or bashful to open up a bit and talk more freely about sex. Yes, it can be seriously awesome to hear the person youā€™re dating talk about sex. But there are practical reasons to open up and maintain a comfortable dialogue [...]
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25 May

5 Types of Boundaries Every Couple Should Set

Posted at May 25, 2022 09:00 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

Itā€™s a common misconception that being in a healthy relationship means not having or setting boundaries when it comes to your partner. Not only are healthy boundaries essential for a personā€™s well-being in any type of relationship, but theyā€™re often also the key to keeping the peace in a romantic or sexual partnership. The following [...]
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16 Mar

What You Need to Know About Having a Threesome Before Taking the Plunge

Posted at Mar 16, 2022 09:00 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

Although threesomes have always been popular adventures to fantasize about, times are changing. People, in general, are becoming more open-minded sexually, which means more folks are comfortable bringing some of their cherished fantasies into reality. And yes, that absolutely includes threesomes. However, itā€™s essential to understand that deciding to have a threesome is a little [...]
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17 Feb

How to Make Long-Distance Sex Red Hot

Posted at Feb 17, 2021 09:00 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

Whether youā€™re currently quarantining separately from your partner during the pandemic or just need a hot and ready way to connect when youā€™re away from home on business, long-distance sex over Skype or FaceTime is where itā€™s at. Thereā€™s a fine art to doing it right, though, especially if youā€™re new to it or tend to get nervous in front of a camera. Here are a few tips, tricks, and points to keep in mind to make every session as hot as possible.
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