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5 Ways Sexting Makes Your Relationship So Much Better

5 Ways Sexting Makes Your Relationship So Much Better

Posted at Feb 23, 2022 09:00 am By Castle Megastore / Category:

Sexting isn’t just for swinging singles with a wild, casual approach to sex and dating anymore. These days, the ubiquity of mobile technology and the average person’s increasing comfort with using it to communicate means sexting is more common among married or otherwise committed people.

And sexting isn’t just becoming more commonplace, either. As it turns out, it carries some very real benefits for committed relationships of all types, so it might be worth your while to incorporate it into the way you communicate with your own partner. Here’s a closer look at how it might change your relationship for the better.

1.      Sexting provides valuable physical validation.

When a relationship is brand new and red hot, it’s easier to take it for granted that your partner sees you as the hottest thing on two legs. But it’s only natural for the occasional doubt to creep in as time rolls on. You get older, and life gets busier. You become increasingly familiar and comfortable with one another.

These are, of course, good things in some ways but not so much in others. Even the most confident people may occasionally wonder whether their partner still finds them attractive or desires them the way they used to. Sexting can help provide that physical validation, as well as proof that you’re still on your partner’s mind even when the two of you are apart.

2.      It opens a dialogue about sex.

Although every couple should be talking openly about sex, many have either fallen out of the habit or never established that habit, to begin with. Of course, it’s OK to keep some things to yourself, so you don’t necessarily need to share your every fantasy and sexual thought with your partner. But it’s to both your benefits to discuss topics like fantasies, turn-ons, and sexual whims openly and regularly.

Sexting can be the catalyst for better, franker, more explicit sexual communication. Most sexting sessions start with a simple conversation about sex, fantasies, or memories of past intimacies. So start wherever you’re comfortable and let your exchanges evolve from there. Over time, it will become increasingly easy and natural to talk about all things sexual.

3.      Sexting encourages better self-esteem.

Think back to the last time you enjoyed an especially hot time in bed with your partner or knew for a fact that you turned them on like nobody’s business. Do you remember how fantastic you felt about yourself – how sexy, desired, and confident? Wouldn’t it be great to feel that way a lot more often? Turning sexting into a habit can do that for you.

Nothing boosts your confidence quite like firing off a sexy thought or sending a steamy selfie to a partner and getting an enthusiastic response in return. Adults who make it a point to do this often have better, healthier body images and are more confident, in general. Eventually, that confidence begins to bleed into other areas of the person’s life, as well.

4.      It can make for red hot foreplay.

Everyone knows that plenty of foreplay is the key to smoking hot sex, especially once a couple’s been together a while. But knowing that is one thing. Actually, making room for it is another, but here’s a tip. Foreplay doesn’t have to start immediately before you have sex, nor does it have to be strictly physical. Your most potent erogenous zone is the one between your ears – your mind – and sexting can be the key to stimulating it properly.

Surprising your partner by initiating a sexting session early in the day while you’re apart can be a great way to prime yourselves for some fantastic sex later. You can keep things going all day long, perhaps spicing things up here and there with some steamy photos or extra-hot fantasies. Then enjoy the inevitable explosion of desire later when you’re finally alone together.

5.      Sexting can unlock your sexual creativity.

All people are creative beings, but life can make it hard to find room to embrace that fully. Sexting, on the other hand, is a great way to get back in touch with your natural creativity and let it run wild in some compelling new ways. Indulging in the occasional fantasy is good for you, as is experimenting with self-expression through photography or erotic writing. Sexting gives you an outlet for this side of yourself.

It also makes you and your partner more creative as a couple. You’re more likely to think outside the box and pursue new experiences together, both in and out of the bedroom. And that makes it easier and more instinctual to allow creativity into other aspects of your life, as well. So, try it and see for yourselves! You might just like what you discover about yourselves and each other.

Tag: advise, sexting